Featured Photographer + Interview: Anna Marcell

Anna Marcell is a visual artist, self portrait and fine art photographer based in Brooklyn, USA. She loves drawing, painting, creating jewellery, people watching, and taking long walks. 
Her website explains: "Her self portraiture work stems from intimacy because it shows how she is feeling at that moment and she desires the photograph to be as real as possible. It's a feeling that you want to capture because, it's something beautiful and memorable. She considers a lot of what she does as taking a photograph of what she is doing, whether it's in her room or anywhere she goes. It's a diary of a life in a visual sense of who she is as an artist."
Anna's photography utilises the art form of analog photography, capturing a nostalgic and soft-hued aesthetic. We absolutely love Anna's portfolio, as it truly feels like a glance into her secret world - full of stunning lakes, fields of flowers and sun-drenched rooms. 
Whim decided to ask the talented photographer some questions about her photography, as well as her hopes and dreams for the future, and you can read our little Q&A below:

Q: How would you describe yourself in just three words?

A: Observer, caretaker, sweet

Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: I have always worked in the arts in various fields (jewelry, painting, fashion styling, etc.) I took photography in high school but, I didn't pursue it seriously at that point. Eventually, though, a photographer friend who saw my photos would tell me that I had a good visual eye that I should pick up photography. Soon after, I purchased my first Polaroid Spectra camera which, is the one I use now and I've completely bonded with it. It's perfect for the way I work because, start shooting regularly and I haven't stopped since. It has given me ways to explore how I feel about things or using an environment to express an emotion.

Q: What concepts and emotions do you often like to portray through your work?

A: Solitude, thoughtfulness, beauty.

Q: Please describe an average day in the life of Anna Marcell?

A: A shooting day might involve heading to a park or some location that interests me. Walking is very meditative for me as well as enjoying the view of what I come across sometimes. Also, taking photos when I see a scene that inspires me.

Q: What do you hope to achieve with your photography in the near future - Do you have any exciting, upcoming plans?

A: I want to continue exploring the themes and emotions I'm currently working with, while pushing what I do both thematically and by exploring new techniques. I work primarily with instant film at the moment but, I recently picked up a vintage Voigtlander medium format camera, and I'm trying out various 35mm cameras to find which one suits me with the way I work. Although the content of my work is obviously far more important than what camera I shoot with, each new format I explore puts an imprint on what I do, making me respond and pushing me further. 
To view more beautiful photographs from Anna Marcell, you can take a look at her Flickr photostream and her website. We also recommend that you follow her on Instagram to keep updated with her pretty photography!