Photoshoot + Interview: 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs

'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 1 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 2 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 3

'Head in the Clouds' is a stunning photoshoot by the talented Tobias Hibbs, a fashion / editorial photographer & retoucher based in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania.

We adore the carefree, wanderlust-inspired theme of this series, as well as the beautiful garments used throughout.

We're also incredibly excited to feature an interview with photographer Tobias and you'll find this sprinkled among the images below. Enjoy!

'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 4 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 5

Q: When did your love of photography first blossom?

A: I first became interested in photography in high school, doing things for the school paper / yearbook. We had a film class that sparked my fascination with the art and I haven't stopped since.

Q: What inspires your creativity the most?

A: What inspires my creativity the most is probably nature. I live in the Poconos of Pennsylvania so I'm surrounded by forests and fields. On top of that my peers always help to jump-start my creativity if I'm in a rut with my current ideas.

'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 6 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 7 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 8

Q: Please tell us more about the experience you had planning and capturing this gorgeous series?

A: I had followed Stormy Jane for a few years and had mutual friends; photogs, MUA, etc. and we finally were able to find the time to work together near my home. I always have trouble finding stylists so we were able to talk back and forth and style it ourselves :)

'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 9 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 10 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 11 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 12

Q: What does an average day in the life of Tobias look like?

A: My average Monday through Friday I do product photography and Photoshop for a cigar company. It's a good way to pay the bills and allows me to have free time to plan my shoots on weekends!

'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 13 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 14 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 15

Q: Lastly, what do you hope to achieve with your photography in the not-too-distant future; do you have any exciting, upcoming plans that you would like to share with us?

A: In the future I hope to continually submit stories to magazines all over the world and work on bigger client productions. Celebrity editorials is my ultimate goal, so continually submitting and improving is a must. I'm a strong believer in always learning something new to stay active and creative, not just for the industry but for myself.

'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 16 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 17 'Head in the Clouds' by Tobias Hibbs on Whim Online Magazine 18We want to thank Tobias for taking the time to answer our interview questions and we encourage you to check out more of his wonderful work by visiting his website and following along on Facebook and Instagram (@tobiashibbs)..

Full credits: Photography: Tobias Hibbs | Model & Styling: Stormy Jane (@stormyjanee) from TRUE Model Management | MUA: Marina Kallman (@marinachristinemua) | Hair: Adam Raymond (@ad_rockshair) | Location: Poconos, PA, USA.

Clothing: (Anything not listed is the stylist / model's own) | Image 8 - Top from H&M | Image 13,14,15 - Overalls from H&M.