Simple Ways To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

These days, almost everyone is looking for ways to be more energy efficient.

Of course, this has a lot to do with improving the environment and saving the planet, but it’s also a great way to save you some money on your gas and electricity bills. Improving the energy efficiency of your home means using less energy and conserving as much as you can, which can result in significant savings and environmental changes. It’s everyone’s responsibility to be more energy efficient, and thankfully, the job isn’t as difficult as it first appears to be. Here are some tips to help you out.

Turn Down The Heat

Turning down your thermostat just a few degrees is often incredibly beneficial as it can save you a lot of money over time, because of how much less energy you’ll be using. The change is so small that you’ll unlikely feel a difference in your home, but, if you do, there are plenty of other ways to stay warm, including popping on a jumper, snuggling in a blanket, or cuddling a hot water bottle. You can also turn down the heat on your washer, and use cooler water for each load.

Prevent Heat From Escaping

Unfortunately, it’s going to be difficult to keep yourself and your home warm if your property isn’t properly insulated. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to improve this, such as installing double glazed windows, adding thicker curtains or wooden blinds, putting down draft excluders, and adding insulation to your attic. There are lots of places where you home could be leaking heat, so take a proper look around and try to block as many drafts as you possibly can.

Cut Out Phantom Power

Most people already know that the standby mode for electronics like computers and televisions uses a large amount of electricity, but what fewer people understand is that, unless your tech is unplugged, it still uses power. This is known as phantom power and is a massive problem for those trying to improve their energy efficiency. To reduce this phantom power use, you need to go around your home and unplug anything you’re not currently using, including extension cables.

Consider Installing Solar Panels

If you want to make a real difference to the energy efficiency of your home and have the cash to do so, then you should consider installing solar panels. They will help to decrease your energy bills, as you’ll be producing your own electricity, and if you’ve got any left over you don’t need, then you can sell it back to the grid. Of course, they are quite pricey, and it takes a while to make your money back, but they are often a great investment, so take your time thinking it through.

Creating an energy efficient home honestly isn’t as difficult as most people think. In fact, many of the changes that you need to make are free and incredibly simple. With that in mind, why not start making a few changes right now.


This is a contributed article written for