17 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health This Year

Understand mental health conditions - the first step towards working towards better mental health is to actually understand mental health. Look into common conditions and learn their symptoms. Ask questions like “What is PTSD?” or “how can depression affect me?”

Let go of the taboo - in the past, there was a real taboo surrounding mental health problems. Sure, this still exists to an extent today. But it’s time to start breaking barriers and stop thinking about mental health concerns as if they cannot be spoken about.

Seek medical help - if you feel that you are experiencing mental health issues, it’s important to seek help from medical professionals. They will be able to offer and official diagnosis.

Consider therapy - if you are found to have a mental illness, you may be offered therapy. This is one of the most effective means of resolving problems and either putting an end to symptoms or reducing their severity.

Consider medication - another option that you may have is medication. This could help to alleviate symptoms more quickly.

Consider a combination - the best approach for you might be a combination of therapy and medication. Talk to your GP about this to learn more.

Save helpline numbers - never feel alone. There are plenty of helplines and support lines out there to help you if you are feeling vulnerable or if you are finding things difficult.

Stay active - this is easier said than done. But research has found that exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on your mental health. So, try to make sure that you get your recommended levels of exercise on a weekly basis.

Consume a healthy diet - again, this can be easier said than done. When you are going through a rough patch, cooking isn’t going to be at the forefront of your mind. But try to consume as healthy a diet as possible. Eating the right foods can help to improve your overall mental health.

Maintain social connections - many of us isolate ourselves when we are struggling with our mental health. Try to maintain your social connections, no matter how difficult this may feel. Stop cancelling plans and start spending more time with loved ones.

Pick up a hobby - if you’re finding yourself feeling a lack of direction, try picking up a hobby. This will give you something to do and something to look forward to on a regular basis.

Avoid self-medicating - some people will turn to self-medicating with alcohol or other substances. Avoid this at all costs.

Develop healthy coping mechanisms - we tend to come up with coping mechanism to deal with mental health symptoms. Make sure they are healthy.

Reduce stress - if you are experiencing problematic symptoms, you don’t need extra stress in your life. Avoid and reduce exposure to stressful people and situations wherever possible.

Take up a relaxation process - whether this meditating, colouring in, or any other calming activity.

Reduce caffeine intake - caffeine can amplify the symptoms of conditions such as anxiety. Give it a miss and opt for decaf options wherever possible.

Remember things can improve - no matter how hard things may be, remember that they can improve. Never lose hope!

This is a contributed article written for WhimMagazine.com